Current Theme: BASIN News Reports
News about Boulder Creek Watershed Issues
Salazar questions RMNP protections in alternative Allard/Musgrave bill
Colorado's far northwest corner eyed in Front Range water supply scheme
Interior Sectretary signs off on tri-state Platte River water management plan
Politics appears to derail popular RMNP wilderness bill
Udall Bill to protect Front Range mountain backdrop advances
Weld County growth summit illustrates tensions between municipal and county planning
New study finds wetlands role in controlling atmospheric methane levels
West Nile claims first 2006 Boulder County fatality
Boulder County renews mosquito control contract with CMS
Denver Water adopts new rate structure
Boulder County Health recommends sticking with past mosquito control contractor despite cost
Weld County Irrigation district argues some agricultuual wells should be allowable because aquifer is independent of the South Platte
Erie sewer plant site annexation raises concern for Frederick town board
NCWCD's long term water supply plans includes 5 new reservoirs
Colorado agriculture warns water scarcity leading to further farm loss
CIRES researchers find link between El Nino placement and failure of south asian monsoons
City of Boulder schedules 3 public meetings to refine new water billing rate structure
NCAR researcher proposes high altitude sulfate aerosol dispersals to forstall global warming
Boulder County leads state in West Nile cases after recent surge
Court voids Federal abandonment of Gunnison's River Black Canyon senior water rights
Denver Water refine potential rate change options
Erie annexes site for a new wastewater treatment plant despite opposition
Metro area wastewater ban on molybdenum protested by area businesses
Proposed mine cleanup law protects Good Samaritians but allows substandard results
Roadless task force approves recommendations to Gov. Owens stressing preservation
Wyoming sues the EPA to force rejection of a Montana Water Quality standard targeting CBM effluent
New NCAR study links anthropogenic greenhouse gases to increased hurricane intensity
Colorado Supreme Court rejects Arapahoe County's attempt to appropriate Gunnison River water
NCWCD proposes piping water 200 miles from the Yampa River to the Front Range
BLM releases new plan to open Roan Plateau to oil and gas development
BLM drilling plans prompts Grand Junction to adopt watershed protection measure
CU study confirms effect of wastewater effluent on fish gender development
(follow up on
previous research
Residents raise pesticide safty concerns at discussion of mosquito control options
Grand County ranchers raise concern over reduced flow in the Colorado River
South Platte farmers begin harvest after dry season and new irrigation restrictions
Despite near record low precipitation, Fort Collins mosquito population still climbing
CSU testing new in pipe sensors to safeguard water distribution systems
Boulder considers applying water bill surplus to xeriscape grants
Proposed drinking water additive restriction would suspend fluoridation
Boulder County mosquito control contract renewal raises questions of strategy and data ownership
Horsetooth Reservoir controversy indicative of changing water project priorities
Essentual life water often assigned a spiritual dimension
Park Service sues over erosion damage caused by failure of Grand River Ditch irrigation canal
U.S. Park Service reaffirms policy committment of conservation over recreation
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