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Current Theme: BASIN News Reports

News about Boulder Creek Watershed Issues

Walmart rejects offers of assistance and elects to eradicate prarie dogs at Layfaette site (08/30/06)
Jefferson County reports Colorado's first West Nile fatality in 2006 while Boulder County cases continue to climb (08/30/06)
South Platte farmers told crop insurance coverage limited to legally irrigated acreage (08/27/06)
Longmont plans city wide mosquito spraying as West Nile concerns grow (08/26/06)
CDC anticipates Colorado warm summer will lead to an increase in West Nile activity (08/26/06)
Little disagreement between rival Governor candidates regarding water as an critical issue for the state (08/26/06)
South Platte farmers question enforcement of state water law and call for water audit (08/25/06)
South Boulder Creek flood plain study to be presented to Boulder planning department (08/24/06)
Denver Water releases rate change proposal to address revenue shortfall resultin from conservation (08/24/06)
South Platte drowning reminds of the power and danger of river recreation (08/23/06)
Boulder County plans to seek increase inspections and upgrades of rural septic system (08/22/06)
Neighboring counties often welcome Boulder County open space purchases (08/22/06)
South Platte farmers contemplate legal strategies after lose of irrigation well rights (08/21/06)
Boulder Creek bacterial levels rise to levels of concern within city limits (08/19/06)
Sen. Allard and Rep. Musgrave derail RMNP wilderness designation over management concerns (08/18/06)
Ranch family fighting with Golden over compensation for reservoir site seized though eminent-domain (08/18/06)
Rapid energy development exacerbating deteriorating Front Range air quality (08/18/06)
Rugged terrain hampers control of two wild fires in Larimer County (08/17/06)
Mosquito traps within Boulder city limits yeild postive for West Nile Virus (08/17/06)
Coors wastewater spill into ag ditch and Clear Creek investigated as cause of near by fisk kill (08/16/06)
Weld County municipalities express concern over county growth management (08/15/06)
Grand Junction considers referendum to protect watershed from energy development (08/14/06)
New report values outdoor recreation at 8% of US national income (08/12/06)
Denver Water fails to respond to 2005 Western Slope water planning proposal (08/12/06)
Boulder County may see resurgence of periodic Pine Beetle infestation (08/11/06)
Erie mayor calls for more growth in pursuit of big business development (08/11/06)
Berthod Wastewater budget facing shortfall (08/11/06)
Roadless areas remain in oil and gas lease auction despite protests and task force recommendations (08/10/06)
Denver Water conservation rebates now require documentation of citizenship (08/10/06)
Prairie dogs expanding into parking area conflict with Boulder Reservoir recreational uses (08/09/06)
Boulder County Public Health confirms county's first human West Nile Virus case in 2006 (08/08/06)
State to provide $40 million in funds to local roundtables to analyze water needs and partnerships (08/08/06)
BLM EA for EGL Oil Shale pilot project near Meeker concludes "no significant environmental impact" (08/08/06)
EPA charges firm with toxic discharges into Denver municipal sewer system (08/07/06)
Mosquito spraying scheduled for east Boulder County cities as West Nile incidence increasing (08/01/06)
New South Boulder Creek flood study reportedly increases predicted flood depths (08/01/06)
Front Range expected to pursue water development in relatively untapped Yampa River Basin (08/01/06)
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