Current Theme: BASIN News Reports
News about Boulder Creek Watershed Issues
New multi-state Platte River management agreement mixed bag for irrigators
Report indicates Berthod waste water infrastucture needs 5.7 million in repairs
CSU Researchers find antibiotic resistance in wastewater microbes
CO settles with USBR over upper Arkansas River acid mine drainage damage
FDA official surprised to be quoted in issue 2b opposition ad
South Platte ag well users may be answerable to water court judge
Wyoming water official questions availability of water for Green River pipeline scheme
Court approves upper Arkansas River recreational water right
NCAR model study affirms anticipated increase in weather severity
Antarctic ozone hole reaches record breath and depth
Boulder mosquito control contractor returns to court over data sharing issues
Boulder and other senior South Platte water rights holders monitored eastern farmers for forbidden well use
Gubernatorial candidates environmental stands divergent but neither have much track record
COB Water Resources Advisory board opposes ballot question 2A but agrees fluoridation additive deserves scrutiny
As US population passes milestone Colorado's growth rate exceeds national average and is expected to climb
Despite dry year Denver Water declares drought over with reservoirs at or near capacity
Eagle vally water district sues Denver Water to recover unused water rights
Denver Water employee killed during water main repair
Lafayette close to approving new stormwater management utility
Climate experts expect western US to see greatest climate change impact
State approves relocation of Boulder County beavers to Estes Park ranch
Link between pine beetle and wildfire risk oversimplified
Firestone expected to annex state park to halt Weld County road proposal
League of Conservation Voters gives divergent grades to Colorado's congressional delegation
Denver Water customers sustain 11% reduction in usage from pre-drought levels
State regulators protest BLM proposal to waive local air quality permits for oil shale development
Durango braces for additional flood damage as persistent rainfall continues
Boulder County reviewing mosquito spraying criteria
Preeminent flood plain management authority and local activist Gilbert White dies at age 94
Transfer of CBT canal system ownership from USBR to NCWCD nears completion with little local notice
Weld County continues to approve major developments on town boundaries without consultation
New report outlines significant impacts of climate change on Western US
Alaskan oil geologist confirmed as new USGS Director
JeffCo considers requiring proof of water supply for new foothills residential construction
Politicians claim supply of water to sustain Douglas County growth essential to state's economy
Rueter-Hess reservoir constuction proceeds even though expansion permit not yet granted
South Metro water districts hold summit to explore regional supply solutions
Sunflowers for food and fuel emerging as water saving crop alternative
EIS for NCWCD NISP to tap the Poudre river proceeding
NOAA consolidates earth science research and data
Earth System Research Lab
Denver Water seeks to increase diversions from Fraser River, already suffering impacts
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