Current Theme: BASIN News Reports
News about Boulder Creek Watershed Issues
Colorado River states to submit new water supply drought management plan to Interior Secretary
Rising temperatures and stream flows raising recreational hazards as evidenced by three weekend drownings
Denver would exceed ozone standard more frequently if EPA adopts new standards prompted by recent research
New city of Boulder water rate structure results in a revenue jump of over 50%
Bear Creek channel project under investigation for violating wetlands and wildlife protection ordinances
Poudre River snowpack melting quickly under rapidly rising spring temperatures
Power outage at COB treatment plant results in breif spill into Boulder Creek
Upslope storm provides brief surge in the South Platte River and St. Vrain Creek
Despite the late season storm, statewide snowpack remains below average
Failure of temporary drainage stuctures renews Broomfield neighborhood flooding
Density of domestic wells tapping mountain aquifers raising concerns about foothills development
District court upholds HOA obligation to irrigate neighborhood park
Aurora city council adopts summer outdoor watering restrictions
Longmont plans reservoir expansion to accomodate relatively rich water portfolio
Flaming Gorge pipeline project allegedly moves beyond proposal stage
EnCana announces intent to drill 6 additional natural gas wells within Erie town boundaries
Boulder emergency agencies conduct Boulder Creek flood emergency excerise
Invasive V.H.S. fish virus spreading rapidly though Great Lakes
Cuts in federal wildfire funding a significant concern given dry conditions and widespread pine beetle infestation
Front Range water supply prognosis cautiously optimistic given relatively healthy reservoir levels
New South Boulder Creek floodplain map forwarded to FEMA for approval
New South Boulder Creek floodplain map doubling homes considered at risk to be presented to city council
NCWCD has revised the 2007 CBT quota to 80%, diverting 248,000 acre feet from the upper Colorado River to the Front Range
USBR schedules reconstruction of Carter Lake outlet works to address year round municipal water demand
New city of Boulder water rate stucture results in 53% increase in revenue
Boulder County's Keep it Clean Partnership receives EPA Region 8's Environmental Achievement Award
Federal climate scientists promoting formation of a National Climate Service
City investigating whether work on Bear Creek drainage channel violated wetlands and wildlife ordinances
Colorado College
has released its
2007 State of the Rockies Report Card
; including a specific
review of the implications of water transfers from agriculture to urban use (PDF)
Boulder County Public Health plans more proactive mosquito control strategy against West Nile virus
Denver Water and Western slope water interests restart talks with nuetral mediator
Colorado Supreme rules water facility immunity not retroactive in ditch drowning cases
Denver Water and the Colorado River Conservancy District consider water swap to reduce recreation impacts
Climate change predicted to lead to warmer and drier conditions in Colorado
Southwestern Colorado water seminar greets proposal for Front Range diversion from Flaming Gorge with skepticism
CDOT cites numerous factors in dieoff of roadside trees
EPA alleges Lyon's Cemex plant expansions since 1997 have violated the Clean Air Act
Weld County ranked nation's second fastest growing metropolitan area
NWS predicts low river flows across Colorado following initial spring melt
The March 2007 Niwot Ridge LTER SnowPack report is now available
Growth and drought lead western states back to large water project proposals
Upcoming IPC report predicts longer and more severe fire seasons for Colorado
Supreme Court rules Clean Air Act obligates EPA to regulate green house gases
Federal permit approval expected for new Douglas County Rueter-Hess reservoir
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