Current Theme: BASIN News Reports
News about Boulder Creek Watershed Issues
Interior political appointee alleged to have overrode scientists on ESA decisions
Late March snowstorm offers little boost to Front Range reservoirs
Lafayette city council votes initial approval of a new stormwater utility
Longmont optimistic about water supply
Loveland concerned by dry March
Boulder County hopes second aerator will mitigate Gaynor lake H
S odor
Cause of heavy oil leak from Xcel's central Denver Zuni powerplant into the South Platte unknown
Boulder test of emergency sirens signals start of flood risk season
Southwest Weld county communities to meet with commissioners in another attempt to coordinate growth management
Boulder implements online camera to monitor Arapahoe & Foothills roadwork
New Pine Brook Hills dam receives award for innovative design/construct approach
Morgan County asks Gov. Ritter for moritorium on South Platte ag well shutdowns
EPA releases 2005 Toxic Release Inventory including data on county's top polluters
Front Range creek flows climbing as snowpack begins early meltout
Colorado Supreme reinstates Summit County cyanide mining ban
Jefferson County commissioners reject new groundwater rules for mountain development
Unusally cold water blamed for bacterial and solids violations at Longmont wasterwater plant
Colorado volunteers work to bring safe water to Hatian villages
Growing population stressing groundwater resources throughout the Front Range
South Platte snowpack holding near average but spring snows critical to summer supplies
Increasing population and traffic prompts DrCog to discuss transportation planning with southwest Weld County towns
Unexpected pressure surge during routine maintenance causes failure of 11 water mains in Gunbarrel and east Boulder area
CU's Niwot Ridge research station to be added to National Ecological Observatory Network
Axelson property adjacent to Boulder Reservoir closed to protect Ospreys nesting sites
EPA proposes dropping superfund status for most of Rocky Flats
Colorado wastewater treatment plants anticipating upgrades to meet stricter ammonia standard
Water courts can now consider on water quality when reviewing water transfers
New study finds Colorado losing millions by failing to assess fees in accordance with the Clean Air Act
CSU study of 75,000 dams finds greater flow control reduces river ecosystem diversity
City of Boulder approves controls on non-West Nile mosquitos short of spraying pesticide
Gaynor Lake odor returns as solar-powered recirculator slips its moorings
The INSTARR Snowpack report from Niwot Ridge for February is now available
Boulder County seeks comment on adding sustainability goals to Comprehensive Plan
Boulder to consider extending mosquito control efforts to non-West Nile carriers
Douglas County finds potential in rainfall interception complicated by Colorado water law
Colorado and Nebraska Sentators team on South Platte habitat recovery funding bill
Further testing still finds no cause of duck waterlogging at wastewater plants
Unusual Colorado snowfall pattern raises some concern for summer water supply
Proposed changes to Oil and Gas Commission would significantly change focus
Club 20's Water Committee non-commital on proposal to pipe Flaming Gorge water to the Front Range
Longmont to grow to 116,000 if all current development proposals approved
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