Digging out from a
debris flow in Boulder Canyon at Sunnyside caused by flooding that followed
the Black Tiger Fire in July, 1989. One house spared by the fire was destroyed
by the debris flow. Photograph courtesy of Barbara Lawlor of the Mountain
Flash flooding on many front
range tributaries can be more that just rushing water. Debris in the form
of trees, sand, gravel, cobbles, boulders and other materials can wreck
havoc in flood areas that may be dry streambeds most of the year. Following
are links to more information on debris flows:
Boulder Creek Flood Potential:
Examples of International Water Management
Additional Links
and Wealth, More than Climate, Drive Soaring Costs of U.S. Flood Damage:
NCAR Press Release
Hazards Center at the University of Colorado
Creek Flood Notebook
of Boulder Flood Preparedness
Big Thompson Flood, Twenty Years Later by Eve Gruntfest
County Buffalo Creek Flashflood of 1996.
Creek Fire and Flood
Water's Buffalo Creek Fire and Flood
Fire Aftermath: Road in fire area turns to river from August 17,
200 Denver Post
Emergency Management Agency
Management Association
National Hydrologic Warning Council
Southwestern Association of ALERT Systems
Urban Drainage and Flood Control District
National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agenices
United States Geological Survey Flood Information
National Weather Service Office of Hydrology
National Weather Service Integrated Flood Observing and Warning System
Is the Boulder
area prone to floods? Why?
How can we
prepare for floods?
Is flooding
worst in post-fire areas?
Oct. 26 will
be a day of discussion of floods and the reality of living in a region
prone to powerful flashflood events. Be sure to join the discussion and
give us your opinions.
For more information on floods,
try these resources on BASIN:
Also see BASIN History:
History of Flash Floods
in the Boulder Area

on Boulder Creek at 12th Street (now Broadway) on June 1, 1894.
Copyright and used by permission of the Denver Public Library

Water Street,
now Canyon Blvd. in Boulder during 1894 flood. Photo copyright
by and used by permission of Denver Public Library.