Environmental Center of the Rockies Demonstration Project--
Urban Storm Runoff
The Environmental Fund of the Rockies site, located at the SW corner
of Baseline and Broadway in Boulder, Colorado underwent a significant
redevelopment several years ago. The owners of the site were committed
to the goals of increasing the sustainability of the site by minimizing
both the stormwater runoff from the site, and the use of treated
water for on-site irrigation purposes. The site was redeveloped
to route as much runoff as was possible through a series of three
retention ponds, and several continuous monitoring stations were
installed for measuring pond water stage. Additionally, site rainfall
(on the roof), and several temperature zones were measured. On site
surveying was completed in 1999. Figure 1.1 is a detailed topographical
map of the site; this information is based upon the site plan, provided
by Bill Wenck and Associates, and spot elevations conducted by Wright
Water Engineers. A greater detail was needed for the basins along
the north and east side of the site so that a detailed stage storage
curve could be developed for each of them. This will enable the
monitored stage heights to be directly translated into a volume
of storage, which is critical in determining the relative efficiency
of each of the basins. The data reduction and compilation of the
stage storage curves is presently underway. Companion research underway
by Len Wright for the Low Impact Development project has resulted
in the development of a micro runoff model that can be used at these
Environmental Data Collection at ECR:
Data collection is an ongoing activity. The University is responsible
for collecting and maintaining a rain gage and several temperature
and stage level gages. The following figures 1.2 and 1.3 summarize
the data period from 4/1/1999 to 5/18/1999 for precipitation and
temperature, respectively. There were several small storms recorded
during this period. These events were significant enough to trigger
stage readings in the basins; these are not presented here because
of data quality and calibration problems. The data are downloaded
on a periodic basis from the collectors on site and stored in a
MS Excel 2000 file.

Figure 1.1: Environmental Fund of the Rockies, topographical/site plan

Figure 1.2: Precipitation, Land and Water Fund site, 4/1/1999 to 5/18/1999

Figure 1.3: Temperature, Land and Water Fund site, 4/1/1999 to 5/18/1
Monitoring Well Installation:
A shallow (19 feet in depth) groundwater monitoring well was installed
on the site in November, 1999. Several water bearing layers were
encountered, the most significant occurred at about 7 feet in depth.
The geology of the site is summarized in figure 4, consisting of
clay mixed with sandy layers. Due to the shallow depth of groundwater,
further study is warranted to determine the link between infiltration
of stormwater and irrigation water to the shallow groundwater table

Figure 1.4: Borehole Completion Diagram for Monitoring Well #1
1.3 Spatial Analysis:
The series of three retention ponds are quite small
(see figure 1.5). In order to better understand the microhydrology
and runoff of the site, a detailed topographical survey was done,
and .15-meter (.5 foot) contour lines were constructed using Surfer.
Drainage basins were then delineated based upon this topographical
model. These are shown in table 1.1. These basins are plotted on
the site plan shown in figure 1.1 A 3-D wireframe model of the site
is depicted in figure 1.6. This model is based upon a grid consisting
of approximately 200 survey points. The reader will note that because
of the intense existing urban development on the site, it was not
possible to economically capture the entire runoff volume, as much
of the site flows directly off-site.

Figure 1.5: Retention pond area, Law Fund site
Table 1.1: Basin delineation using GIS
By computing successive volumes of the retention
ponds at different storage heights up to the pond weir level, the
stage storage curve for the pond can be developed. The curve for
pond #3 is shown in figure 1.7.
Instead of the five drainage areas outlined in
table 4, when delineating the site by hand (without using updated
survey information) resulted in seven drainage areas of different
shapes. Delineating Pond #3’s storage volumes by hand using available
topography and field estimates yielded a maximum storage volume
of 1066 cubic feet. Repeating this procedure using the grid and
updated survey information yielded a volume of 1461 cubic feet,
a difference of 27%. Increasing the density of survey points, at
a higher associated cost, can enhance the degree of confidence in
the topography presented. There is a tradeoff between the value
of information obtained and the cost of the acquisition of the information.

Figure 1.6: Environmental Fund of the Rockies,
wireframe model. The deep depression is the location of the site
building, and its effect on the grid has been removed.

Figure 1.7: Stage-Storage curve for Pond #3, Environmental
Fund of the Rockies site
Research is presently underway to characterize
the water budget of this site, based upon the continuous measurements
currently being collected, and a micro hydrological model being
developed by Wright (1999). The goal of this work is to develop
an evaluation and management tool to be used at this (or other)
urban site to determine the appropriate land use and/or BMP controls
to mitigate the effects of stormwater runoff from the site, similar
to that which was used at the neighborhood scale.
The methods presented in this paper allow hydrologic
and economic analysis to be performed on several small scales not
traditionally used in urban stormwater analysis. At these scales,
GIS information is critical to the analysis; however, the value
is enhanced by its use in the context of a complete DSS. Small scale
must be used to properly evaluate on-site and neighborhood BMPs
for the control of locally generated stormwater runoff. The inclusion
of on-site control is amenable to optimization techniques. The use
of LP techniques to optimize BMP strategies is possible by using
curve number techniques to quantify storage effects of development.
Extension of this work to smaller scales and more detailed hydrology
will enable more general research to be conducted on the interaction
between land management decisions and urban hydrology.
Water Use Data:
To take a cursory review of water use at the ECR site, monthly
billing records were collected from the City of Boulder for both
the indoor (main) and outdoor water meters. The outdoor water meter
was installed in late 1998 after the redone landscaping was complete.
Prior to late 1998, the indoor meter recorded outdoor was use as
well. The indoor water use continues to show a strong summer related
increase, this may be due to the use of evaporative cooling in the
building. According to ECR officials, the evaporative coolers are
used to cool the building until the outdoor temperature exceeds
80o F., at which point the first air conditioning compressor
kicks on. The second compressor kicks on when the outdoor temperature
exceeds 90oF. According to ECR officials, the timer for
the irrigation system was malfunctioning, during the early period
of its use, accounting for the spikes in July, August and September
of 1999.

Figure 1.8: Water Use from metered data at the Environmental Center
for the Rockies site.
The indoor use does show a decrease, however, indicating that the
outdoor use has been removed from this meter. To get a better understanding
of the indoor and outdoor water use at the ECR site, a two week
data logging period will be done in June of 2000. The indoor water
uses expected will consist of toilets, faucets, and (predominate
in the summer), evaporative cooler useage. Outdoor use will be measured
for each irrigation zone and irrigation efficiency calculated.
Summary and Preliminary
Research Results